Discussion Version (5.3)
File Format
These draft Rules of the
DARPA Grand Challenge of Autonomous Ground Vehicles may not necessarily
become the official Rules. They have been developed to facilitate discussion
during the Challenge Conference scheduled for February 22, 2003.
Notwithstanding any Rule,
or the acceptance by DARPA of any technical paper, or any inspection or
demonstration required as a condition of Participating in the Grand Challenge,
DARPA makes no representation as to the safety of any Vehicle entered
in the Grand Challenge.
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of Challenge
DARPA is seeking to promote
various technical approaches that will enable the autonomous operation
of unmanned ground combat vehicles. In the future, such combat vehicles
will operate over various terrain without the benefit of road signs, pre-programmed
routes, etc. Autonomous vehicles must navigate from point to point in
an intelligent manner so as to avoid or accommodate obstacles and other
impediments to the completion of their missions. For example, an extremely
large vehicle that simply travels on a straight line between two points
by climbing over or breaking through everything in its path (and destroying
what cannot support that movement) is not the type of intelligent solution
that is sought. Vehicles that cannot demonstrate intelligent autonomous
behavior will not be accepted as Participants.
1.2 Date(s) of Challenge
The date of the Grand Challenge
is March 13, 2004. In the event that there is no winner in the 2004 Challenge,
subsequent Grand Challenges will be held approximately annually until
there is a winner or until Congressional authority to award the Grand
Challenge prize expires. The current expiration date is September 30,
1.3 Place of Challenge
The Challenge is expected to
begin in the vicinity of Los Angeles, and end in the vicinity of Las Vegas.
1.4 Route Description
The route is expected to encompass
surfaced and un-surfaced roads, trails, and off-road areas. Man-made and
natural obstacles—both above and below the surface of the average
terrain—are likely. Examples of obstacles include ditches, open
water, rocks, underpasses, and construction. All obstructions on the route
can be either accommodated or avoided by a commercial 4X4 pick-up truck.
The Route consists of the Departure
Line, Waypoints, and an Arrival Line. One or more Checkpoint Areas requiring
a mandatory stop may be designated, but Checkpoint Areas are not part
of the Route due to the special activities allowed within. Any designated
Checkpoint Area will have associated Waypoints that describe the entry
and exit gates, and parking area for each team’s Challenge Vehicle.
1.4.1 Checkpoint Area
A Checkpoint is a required
stop between the Departure and Arrival Lines. The Safety Vehicle occupants
can be rotated or refreshed at Checkpoints during a 20-minute time allowance.
The elapsed time for each vehicle will stop during the mandatory portion
of a stop. In addition, an entry may be serviced autonomously (for example,
refueled or cleaned). Any required autonomous servicing equipment must
be placed at the checkpoint prior to the Challenge beginning. The location(s)
of the Checkpoint Area(s) will be provided well in advance of the Challenge.
1.4.2 Waypoint Locations
Waypoints are two-dimensional
locations (latitude, longitude) that collectively define the Route. Contestants
will be given a maximum time to reach each waypoint. Vehicles that do
not reach a waypoint in the maximum allotted time will be disqualified
and must promptly be removed from the Route. The maximum time given to
contestants to reach each waypoint will be greater than the time corresponding
to the pace required to win the cash prize. The location of the waypoints
will be provided two hours before the Challenge in a format that will
be described in the official Rules of the Challenge.
1.4.3 Arrival Line
1.4.4 Arrival Area
1.5 Prize
DARPA will award one million
U.S. dollars to the Team Lead that completes the Route with the best corrected
time and within the specified maximum finishing time. There are no other
prizes. If there is no winner in the 2004 Challenge, subsequent Challenges
will be held approximately annually until the prize is awarded or until
Congressional authority for the prize expires. The current Congressional
authorization expires on September 30, 2007.
No government contract or other
incentive is promised as a result of this Challenge.
2. Terms
Terms used in the Rules are
capitalized when their definition is described below.
2.1 Rules
The Rules posted at
are the only official Rules of the 2004 DARPA Grand Challenge of Autonomous
Ground Vehicles.
2.2 Official
An Official is any person tasked
by any governmental agency for the purpose of administering or monitoring
any aspect of the Grand Challenge.
2.3 Entrant
An Entrant is an eligible entity
(see section 3) that has submitted a completed Application Form to DARPA.
An Entrant that does not become a Participant and attends the Challenge
does so as a Spectator.
2.4 Participant
A Participant is an Entrant
that has received final acceptance from DARPA to start the Challenge.
2.5 Press Member
A Press Member is anyone who
is accredited as such by DARPA.
2.6 Spectator
A Spectator is any person who
is not a Participant, Official, or Press Member.
2.7 Depart
2.8 Departure
2.9 Departed
2.10 Arrive
2.11 Arriving
2.12 Arrived
2.13 Participating
2.14 Team Leader
A Team Leader is the eligible
entity responsible for a team; and is the entity that will receive the
prize if its team wins.
2.15 Challenge Team
The Challenge Team consists
of those and only those people who have been designated as such by the
Team Leader in the entrance application submitted to DARPA.
2.16 Winner
The Winner is the Participant
whose Challenge vehicle has completed the prescribed Route in the least
corrected time, and in less than the specified maximum finishing time.
2.17 Chief Judge
The Chief Judge is the person
designated by DARPA as such. The Chief Judge is the final authority on
all rulings.
2.18 Field Judge
A Field Judge is a person assigned
by DARPA to travel in a team’s Safety Vehicle for safety and judging
2.19 Timing
2.19.1 Official Time
Official Time will be the
time as kept by the Chief Judge.
2.19.2 Corrected Time
The corrected time is the
time between the Departure Signal for a Challenge Vehicle until that vehicle
clears the finish line, including any adjustments—plus or minus—for
time penalties or time credits as prescribed in the Rules. Time will not
be maintained for disqualified Challenge Vehicles.
2.19.3 Maximum Finishing Time
In order to qualify for the
Grand Challenge cash award, the maximum corrected finishing time of the
winning team must be less than six hours. Additionally, to ensure safe
operation during daylight hours only, all vehicles must be removed from
the route ten hours after their departure.
2.20 Departure Signal
The Departure Signal is that
indication given by the Chief Judge for any Challenge Vehicle to begin
the Challenge. The characteristics of the Signal shall be briefed at the
pre-Challenge brief. It is intended to be perceived by human senses (e.g.
visual or sonic) in order that the Challenge Team(s) may command their
Challenge Vehicle to begin.
2.21 Safety Vehicle
A Safety Vehicle is a vehicle
that carries the team Safety Vehicle operator and a DARPA Field Judge,
and is intended to keep the Challenge Vehicle under direct visual observation
at all times while the Challenge Vehicle is on the Challenge Route for
safety and judging purposes.
2.22 Safety Crew
The Safety Crew comprises the
occupants of the Safety Vehicle.
2.23 Challenge Vehicle
A Challenge Vehicle is a fully
autonomous ground vehicle system that has been entered and accepted for
the Challenge.
2.24 Challenge Area
The Challenge area includes
the Departure Area, Departure Line, Challenge Route, Checkpoint Area,
Arrival Line, Arrival Area, and any other area that has been assigned
to DARPA for the purpose of conducting this Challenge. The specific boundaries
of the Challenge area will be briefed to the Participants at a pre-Challenge
brief shortly prior to the Challenge.
2.25 Departure Area
2.26 Challenge Route
The Challenge Route is the
area included within boundaries specified by DARPA. The Challenge Route
does not include the Departure Area, Checkpoint Area, or Arrival Area.
It is on the Challenge Route that the performance of each Challenge Vehicle
will be determined.
2.27 Waypoint
2.28 Checkpoint Area
A Checkpoint Area is that area
around a checkpoint that has been designated as such by the Rules for
the purpose of providing a break for Chase Crews and automated maintenance
and servicing of Challenge Vehicles.
2.29 Arrival Area
3. Eligibility
3.1 Team Must Be U.S.
The Challenge is open only
to US entities. This includes U.S. corporations, U.S. non-profit organizations,
U.S. universities, U.S. citizens, sole proprietors that are U.S. citizens
or permanent residents, and partnerships of U.S. citizens or permanent
residents. The nationality of the team is determined by its Team Leader.
3.2 Federal Government
Organizations Ineligible
U.S. Federal Government organizations,
including U.S. Military Service Academies, are ineligible to lead a team
or participate as a member of a team.
U.S. Federal employees may
participate as private citizens as long as they do so on their own time
and while using only non-Federal equipment and supplies. They must be
a U.S. citizen to be a Team Leader.
3.3 Federally Funded
Research and Development Centers (FFRDC)
An FFRDC is eligible to lead
or be a member of a team provided that no Federal funding is directly
used to prepare for or participate in the Challenge.
3.4 Foreign Participation
Foreign entities may participate
only as members of a U.S.-led team.
4. Sponsorship
The cost of developing, fielding,
and insuring the vehicles is the sole responsibility of the teams. DARPA
will not provide funding for the purpose of entering or participating
in the Grand Challenge. Teams are allowed to obtain sponsorships and to
display advertising so long as such advertisements are not considered
offensive by the judges. DARPA will not endorse blanket sponsorships for
The appearance of external
advertising on Challenge and Safety Vehicles must be approved by DARPA
no later than 30 days prior to the Challenge.
DARPA makes no representations
regarding expected media coverage of the Challenge.
5. Insurance
Insurance requirements are
being developed.
6. Entry Procedures
6.1 Entry Fee
There is no entry fee.
6.2 Multiple Entries
A sponsor wishing to enter
more than one vehicle shall assign unique names to each of its vehicle
teams. DARPA shall treat such teams as separate teams for the purposes
of administering this Challenge.
6.3 Application Period
The period of application begins
on April 1, 2003 and ends on the application deadline at noon, Eastern
Daylight Time, on October 13, 2003. Applications received after the deadline
will not be considered and will be destroyed.
6.4 Application Documents
A complete application consists
of several documents that need not be submitted simultaneously. These
documents include the application form, the technical paper, and application
6.4.1 Application Form
Prospective Entrants must submit
a completed application form on or before the application deadline at
noon on October 13, 2003. The application form will be available on the
DARPA web site ( no later than April 1, 2003.
Prospective Entrants also may request an application by calling 866 DARPA
GC (866 327 7242) and leaving their mailing address or fax number, as
desired. The application form must be submitted prior to, or along with,
the other required documents.
6.4.2 Technical Paper
A technical paper describing
the Challenge Vehicle and other matters is due to DARPA on or before the
application deadline at noon on October 13, 2003. A description of the
mandatory subjects to be addressed in this paper will be posted on the
DARPA Grand Challenge web site no later than April 1, 2003. This paper
will be reviewed by DARPA to ensure that the Challenge Vehicle design
can meet safety and Rules requirements. The panel also will judge the
technical competence of the design and may not accept incomplete or ineffectual
proposals. Papers that are not accepted for any reason may be re-submitted
until the application deadline. The technical papers will be treated as
team proprietary information until the conclusion of the Challenge, at
which time the papers will be published.
Challenge Vehicles presented
for the Qualification Inspections and Demonstration (QID) that deviate
from the description in the Technical Paper may be disqualified.
6.4.3 Application Addenda
An Application Addendum accommodates
the need for information items that are not expected to be available when
the application form was completed. Examples of Application Addenda that
will be required include updated Team roster, photographs of the Challenge
and Safety Vehicles, and a photograph of the Challenge Team. The requirements
for Application Addendum items will be sent only to Entrants, and no later
than 30 days prior to the Challenge date.
6.5 List of Entrants
The names and contact information
of Entrants will be posted on the Grand Challenge web site. Entrants that
do not complete the application process by the deadline will lose their
designation as Entrants and will be removed from the list of Entrants.
7. General Rules
Revised official Rules will
be posted to the DARPA web site on April 1, 2003; however, DARPA reserves
the right to modify the Rules at any time. As revolutionary thinking,
engineering, and technology are desired, prospective Participants are
invited to communicate with DARPA regarding any rule that restricts their
ability to demonstrate technical achievement and innovative solutions
to intelligent autonomous ground vehicle behavior in the Grand Challenge.
DARPA reserves the right to
revise the schedule of the Challenge and to change or provide interpretation
of the Rules at any time and in any manner, which, in their sole judgment,
is required. DARPA judgment regarding the Rules is based on safety, legal
compliance, fairness, Challenge goals, and efficient operations.
Whenever a conflict exists
among the written Rules that exist on the DARPA Grand Challenge web site
and any other representation of DARPA Grand Challenge Rules, the Rules
on the DARPA Grand Challenge web site shall take precedence.
7.1 Judging Decisions
Are Final
7.2 Self-Sufficiency
of Teams
Teams furnish all equipment
and supplies used in entering and participating in the Grand Challenge,
such as food, shelters, lighting, electricity, and communications.
7.3 Government-Furnished
Equipment (GFE), Services, and Supplies
No government-owned equipment
or supplies may be used by a team in preparation for or during the Challenge
except for equipment and supplies that have been offered to all Entrants.
7.4 Publicity
Media coverage of the Challenge
is expected but not guaranteed.
7.5 Security
7.5.1 Access Control
7.6 Safety
7.6.1 Lasers to be Eye-Safe
7.6.2 RF Radiation Standards
7.6.3 Fire Extinguishers in
Team Shelters
7.6.4 Smoking
7.6.5 Fuel Storage
7.7 Environmental
7.7.1 HazMat
8. Challenge Vehicle
Challenge Vehicles must be
unmanned (no animals onboard) and fully autonomous. They may not be remotely
driven while on the Challenge Route. Only single independent, un-tethered
ground vehicles are eligible. No subvehicles will be allowed. All computing
and intelligence must be contained onboard. Apart from the emergency stop
feature, automatic communication with autonomous equipment at the checkpoints,
and public navigation signals, no external communication is allowed. There
is no size, weight, or propulsion power limit on the ground vehicle—the
nature of the Route will dictate practical limits. The entry must be a
ground vehicle. That is, it must be propelled and steered principally
by contact with the ground. The type of contact devices (such as tires,
treads, legs, etc.) is not specified. The vehicles must not damage the
environment or infrastructure in violation of restrictions specified by
the applicable land-use permitting authority. No classified data or devices
can be used by a team during or in preparation for this Challenge.
8.1 Identification
Each Challenge Vehicle will
be assigned a unique identification number that shall be displayed at
least 6 inches in height on its sides and top (as large as possible is
preferred). A vehicle that can operate when flipped over also shall have
the number displayed on its bottom.
8.2 Audible Warning
Specifications for a Challenge
Vehicle warning sound will be forthcoming.
8.3 Visual Warning
Specifications for Challenge
Vehicle visual warning system will be forthcoming.
8.4 Neutral Gear Required
Challenge Vehicles must have
the capability to be easily put into a neutral gear from outside the Vehicle.
This is to allow disabled Challenge Vehicles to be pushed aside if they
are impeding other Challenge or Safety Vehicles behind them.
8.5 Emergency Stop
A complete description of the
E-Stop capability is required in the Technical Paper.
8.5.1 Manual
Each Challenge Vehicle must
be equipped with an externally actuated, manual E-Stop capability. Activating
the manual E-Stop must promptly bring the vehicle to a complete halt.
At least one actuator and its labeling must be easily visible and accessible
by an average human standing anywhere around the vehicle. The E-Stop must
be easy to identify and activate safely, even if the vehicle is moving.
The operation instructions for these E-Stop actuators must be clearly
labeled in English and in Spanish, and the labeling must not be interfered
with by any other labeling or advertising. Activating the E-Stop must
rapidly bring the vehicle to a complete halt. A demonstration of the manual
E-stop capability will be required as part of the pre-Challenge Qualification
Inspection and Demonstration.
8.5.2 Wireless
Each Challenge Vehicle must
be equipped with a wireless (e.g. RF) remote E-Stop capability. Activating
the wireless E-Stop from the Safety Vehicle must promptly bring the Challenge
Vehicle to a complete halt. The wireless E-Stop must maintain a link with
the vehicle in order for the Challenge Vehicle to operate, and the E-Stop
must have a “fail-safe” feature, so that loss of link between
the vehicles automatically activates the E-Stop. Upon reestablishment
of the link, the Challenge Vehicle shall be able to restart itself and
autonomously continue with the Challenge. The wireless E-Stop capability
must be implemented in a way that ensures that the Challenge Vehicle will
stop when it is not visible from the Safety Vehicle for greater than three
seconds. The E-Stop control(s) in the Safety Vehicle must be positioned
so as to be immediately available to every occupant. No specific link
range or margin is specified in the Rules. A demonstration of the wireless
E-stop capability will be required as part of the pre-Challenge QID.
Vehicles that do not exhibit
mobility within ten minutes of a restart link may be considered disabled
for the purposes of physically moving them to avoid obstructing Challenge
or Safety Vehicles from passing. Challenge Vehicles so moved shall be
disqualified. Vehicles that do not exhibit mobility within ten minutes
of a restart link need not be disqualified if they are not obstructing
other vehicles.
8.6 Electrical Provisions
for DARPA Equipment
Participants must provide access
to 12-14 VDC, 10A on upper surface of the Challenge Vehicle for the potential
use of DARPA. The equipment using this electrical connection will not
interfere with the wireless E-Stop capability. An EMC check also will
be accomplished as part of the pre-Challenge technical inspection.
8.7 Position-Determination
Challenge Vehicles may be equipped
to receive and process electronic position determination signals (such
as GPS) that are freely available to all teams. Teams desiring to utilize
position-determination signals that are not freely available (such as
subscription services) must make that request in the Application Form
or in an Application Addendum no later than 30 days prior to the Challenge
date. The use of position-determination devices (such as beacons, etc.)
that are developed or placed specifically for Route navigation is prohibited.
The Route is being developed
so that GPS alone will not provide adequate navigation information to
a Challenge Vehicle. Prospective Entrants are reminded that there could
be dust, smoke, or other visual obscurants on the Route, and that visual
spectrum only sensing may not permit sufficient speed if those situations
are encountered (such as when following another vehicle).
9. Safety Vehicle
At least one manned Safety
Vehicle will be required for each fully autonomous entry. The Safety Vehicle
will contain at least an operator from the Team and a Field Judge. The
wireless E-Stop control must be remotely operated from this Safety Vehicle.
The Safety Vehicle must maintain visual contact with the autonomous entry
at all times. The Field Judge will have the ability to communicate with
Challenge officials over the entire Route. Teams must notify DARPA at
least 30 days prior to the Challenge if an aviation Safety Vehicle will
be used.
9.1 Provisions for
DARPA Equipment
Access to 12-14 VDC, 5A shall
be made available inside the Safety Vehicle for the use of the Field Judge.
Additionally, ground Safety Vehicles shall be able to accommodate a GFE
temporary antenna on the vehicle’s exterior; and aircraft Safety
Vehicles shall be able to accommodate a non-TSO’d antenna for undetermined
communication equipment inside the aircraft. The equipment using this
electrical connection will not interfere with the wireless E-Stop capability.
An EMC check also will be accomplished as part of the QID.
9.2 Compliance With
Safety Standards
Ground Safety Vehicles shall
comply with all safety standards for any class of vehicle (except motorcycle
or ATV) eligible to race in an off-road race sanctioned by SCORE International.
9.3 Registration
Ground Safety Vehicles are
not required to be registered and street legal. Aircraft Safety Vehicles
must be U.S. registered civil aircraft that are maintained and operated
in compliance with all applicable regulations. For example, unmanned air
vehicles, 14 CFR 103 Ultralight Vehicles, and model aircraft may not serve
as Safety Vehicles.
9.4 Seating
Safety Vehicles must safely
seat at least two adults including one DARPA Field Judge. The other occupant(s)
of the Safety Vehicle shall be members of the Challenge Team.
9.5 Safety Vehicle
Ground Safety Vehicles will
be inspected for compliance with the Rules at the QID.
10. Qualification Inspection & Demonstration
A qualification inspection
& demonstration (QID) shall be conducted as a prerequisite to starting
the Challenge. The QID will be held the day prior to the Challenge off-road
10.1 Challenge Vehicle
10.2 Ground Safety
10.3 Aviation Safety
11. Pre-Challenge Brief
The pre-Challenge brief is
mandatory for each Team Leader and for each
Team’s Safety Crew. Subjects that will be addressed include:
- Emergency Use of DARPA
Communications Equipment
- The Challenge Route and
the location of Waypoints
- Departure procedures and
12. Route Rules
12.1 Unintended Obstacles
DARPA intends to clear the
Challenge Route of non-Challenge traffic and obstacles, but can not guarantee
that there will be no non-Challenge traffic, obstacles, or humans on the
Challenge Route. Technical approaches for Challenge Vehicles that rely
on brute force to accommodate (e.g. crush, damage, or push aside) obstacles
will not be permitted.
12.2 Rendering Assistance
Participants while on the Route
shall render all possible assistance to any another Participant on the
same or other Team who has been injured and requires medical attention.
Failure to do so shall be disqualifying. The Field Judge shall record
the time that a Team stops to render assistance and subtract that time
from the Elapsed Time of the Team that stopped to render assistance. The
Field Judge shall be the final authority regarding the necessity to render
assistance. For example, the Field Judge may direct the Team he is accompanying
to continue if another Team is rendering assistance at an accident scene.
12.3 Speed Limits
Speed limits will be imposed
for certain segments of the Challenge Route. These limits will be provided
to Participants during the pre-Challenge brief. Violations of speed limits
will be penalized.
12.4 Non-Challenge
Vehicles on Route
Except as provided in Rule
12.16, each Team may have only one Challenge Vehicle and one Safety Vehicle
on the Route at any time. Any Team desiring to conduct video recording
of their vehicle on the route must make detailed requests to DARPA at
least 30 days prior to the Challenge, and may be granted access via alternative
intersecting roads and trails. Approval will not likely be given for other
than verified video-production or media entities. Any such vehicle that
interferes with or impedes any other Team’s competitiveness shall
incur penalties against the Team sponsoring it, and it shall immediately
be removed from the Route.
12.5 Lateral Boundaries
The lateral boundaries of the
Route will be specified. Failure to remain within the lateral boundaries
of the Challenge Route will result in time penalties or disqualification.
The lateral boundary of a road may be the road edge itself.
12.5.1 Description of Lateral
12.5.2 Violations of Lateral
12.6 Safety Vehicle
12.6.1 Safety Vehicle May Not
Lead Challenge Vehicle
A Safety Vehicle may not be
navigated in such a way as to act as a leader for a Challenge Vehicle
to follow. Brief periods less than one minute in which the Safety Vehicle
is forward of the Challenge Vehicle are permitted. The nature of the Route
indicates that the Safety Vehicle will need to remain substantially in
trace of the Challenge Vehicle.
12.6.2 Passing on the Challenge
A Safety Vehicle being passed
shall give way to the vehicle passing it; however, a Safety Vehicle being
passed is under no obligation to navigate outside the boundaries of the
Challenge Route in order to permit a passing vehicle to complete its pass.
A Safety Vehicle may not navigate outside the boundaries of the Challenge
Route in order to pass a moving vehicle.
12.7 Rules for Waypoints
Waypoints will be described
as latitude and longitude expressed in degrees, minutes, and decimal minutes
referenced to the WGS84 datum. GPS reception, however, may not be possible
at all waypoints. Challenge Vehicles are required to pass each Waypoint
by entering a circle of a to-be-determined error radius about that Waypoint.
Many, but not all, waypoints will have a circle marked around them to
aid Field Judges in determining compliance with the Rules.
Failure to pass through a
Waypoint shall be penalized.
Passing through each waypoint’s
error circle will not, in all cases, be sufficient to remain within the
prescribed lateral boundaries of the route. In some cases, the error circle
about the waypoint will exceed the width of the route, and intelligent
sensing and behavior will be required for the Vehicle to remain on the
Vehicles that do not reach
certain waypoints in the maximum allotted time for those waypoints will
be disqualified and must promptly be removed from the Route. The maximum
time given to Participants to reach certain waypoints will be greater
than the time corresponding to the pace required to reach the arrival
line within the maximum allowed time.
The location and designation
of the waypoints will be provided two hours before the Challenge.
12.8 Rules for Checkpoints
12.8.1 Checkpoint Arrival
The Checkpoint Area exists
for the purpose of providing a break to Safety Crews; maintenance, refueling,
substitution for Safety Vehicles, and automated maintenance and/or refueling
of Challenge Vehicles. Stopping at the Checkpoint is mandatory. The checkpoint
area will be identified to Participants at least 30 days prior to the
Challenge Date. The checkpoint area will consist of:
- a Challenge and Safety
Vehicle entry gate that is aligned approximately with the expected approach
direction from the previous waypoint,
- a Challenge and Safety
Vehicle departure gate that is aligned approximately with the expected
departure direction for the next waypoint,
- an administrative area
for each Participant,
- a DARPA operations area,
- non-Challenge vehicle parking
- and spectator and media
A team may position their pit-area
equipment and supplies in their designated
section of the Checkpoint Area no earlier than 48 hours prior to the scheduled
Departure time of the Challenge. Teams that desire to have a Safety helicopter
land in the Checkpoint Area must notify DARPA at least 30 days prior to
Challenge date. Helicopters may be required to land a sufficient distance
the Checkpoint Area so as to not generate dust that would interfere with
A team’s elapsed time
will stop when the Challenge Vehicle has entered and
cleared the checkpoint entry gate and is fully inside the Checkpoint Area.
team’s elapsed time will not stop if its Challenge Vehicle does
not enter the
Checkpoint Area through the checkpoint entry gate. Each team’s elapsed
will begin exactly twenty (20) minutes later. Early departure will not
be permitted.
While a Challenge Vehicle
is entirely within the Checkpoint Area, automatically controlled operation
(automatic tele-operation) of the Challenge Vehicle for the purposes of
performing automated maintenance, refueling, etc. is permitted.
No team member may touch any
Challenge Vehicle, or cause it to be touched by any equipment or material,
while it is in the Checkpoint Area. Intentionally doing so shall result
in disqualification.
12.8.2 Checkpoint Activities Challenge Vehicle
Maintenance at Checkpoint(s)
Any autonomous maintenance
performed on a Challenge Vehicle at any Checkpoint may not result in the
Challenge Vehicle receiving more than 25% of its Departure line weight
(exclusive of consumables) in non-consumable parts or equipment. Safety Vehicle Maintenance
at Checkpoint(s)
12.8.3 Checkpoint Departure
12.8.4 Time Correction
12.9 Underpasses
Where underpasses are indicated
as part of the Challenge Route, it is mandatory that Challenge Vehicles
pass through them.
12.10 Passing
No Vehicle (Challenge or Safety)
may intentionally operate to hinder another
Vehicle that is trying to pass it.
Passing is permitted as long
as the passing Vehicle does not cross a lateral
boundary of the Route.
If the width of a Route segment
is insufficient for passing, and the impeding
Vehicle is moving, the passing vehicle must wait until there is sufficient
room to
pass. No time credit will be given to the following Vehicle(s).
If the width of a Route segment
is insufficient for passing, and an impeding Challenge Vehicle has not
moved for ten minutes, the impeding Challenge Vehicle is disqualified
and shall be removed from the Route. Time spent waiting to pass an immobile
Challenge Vehicle shall be subtracted from the passing Challenge Vehicle’s
elapsed time.
12.11 No Physical Contact
With Own Challenge Vehicle
No Team Member may make, or
cause to be made physical contact with that team’s Challenge Vehicle
after it has started the Challenge and before it has finished the Challenge.
Physical contact includes indirect contact such as with tools, etc., as
well as human-commanded contact such as by using remotely controlled equipment.
Physical contact with a Challenge Team’s own Challenge Vehicle while
it is in a Checkpoint Area is permitted only if that contact is controlled
autonomously (i.e. no human-controlled contact). Minor and inadvertent
contact with a team’s own Challenge Vehicle may be accepted based
on the judgment of the Chief Judge. Violation of this rule shall result
in disqualification.
12.12 No Physical Contact
With Other Challenge Vehicle
No Team Member may make, or
cause to be made physical contact with any other Team’s Challenge
Vehicle after that Vehicle has started the Challenge and before it has
finished the Challenge unless that Challenge Vehicle is disqualified.
Minor and inadvertent contact with another team’s Challenge Vehicle
may be accepted based on the judgment of the Chief Judge. Violation of
this rule shall result in disqualification of the member’s Team.
12.13 Damaging Non-Team
12.13.1 Intentional
Except for minor and unavoidable
damage as determined by a Judge, any team responsible for the intentional
damage of property that does not belong to that team shall be disqualified.
Intentional damage includes damage that occurs as a result of failure
to prevent damage that could have been foreseen. Minor damage does not
include damage that, as determined by a Judge, adversely affects the performance
of another team.
12.13.2 Un-intentional
Minor and unavoidable damage
shall not be penalized. Un-intentional damage to another Team’s
property that, in the opinion of a Judge, adversely affects the performance
of the other Team shall be disqualifying.
12.14 Departure Procedures
The Departure procedures are
not yet specified—specifically whether all Challenge Vehicles will
depart together or whether there will be a staggered departure. The probability
of encountering other Challenge Vehicles on the route is high in either
12.15 Departure Line
Time Limit
The Departure Line will remain
available to a Challenge Vehicle for one hour
after the departure signal has been given for that Challenge Vehicle.
Challenge Vehicle’s elapsed time, however, begins at the time of
its departure
signal. Any Challenge Vehicle that has not passed and cleared the Departure
Line in the direction of the Route within one hour of its departure signal
shall be
Notwithstanding any other
rule, within the period of one hour following its departure signal, a
Challenge Vehicle that has not cleared the Departure Line may be manually
repaired and departed from behind the Departure Line as many times as
12.16 Safety Vehicle
Substitution After Departure Time
A team may substitute an alternative
Safety Vehicle for a previous one anytime during the Challenge. No more
than one Safety Vehicle may accompany the Challenge Vehicle on the Route.
Brief periods of transitioning from one Safety Vehicle to another will
be permitted. The substitute Safety Vehicle may contain either the previous
Safety Crew or a fresh Safety Crew, at the discretion of the team. If
a team plans to use more than one Safety Crew, DARPA must be notified
at least 30 days prior to the Challenge so that it can arrange for more
than one Field Judge.
12.17 Jettisoning Material
on the Challenge Route
Except for normal by-products
of power generation, the intentional jettison of any material from the
Challenge Vehicle is prohibited and shall result in disqualification.
Anything that is unintentionally jettisoned or falls from a Challenge
Vehicle shall be recovered by its Safety Crew and carried to the Finish
Line. A Challenge Vehicle that crosses the Arrival Line without all of
the equipment it had when it crossed the Departure Line shall not be eligible
for the prize except that the accidental loss of material shall not result
in disqualification as long as the applicable Safety Crew carries the
material to the finish area while following the Challenge Vehicle.
12.18 Safety Crew Incapacitation
12.18.1 Team Member Temporary Permanent
12.18.2 Field Judge Temporary
If a Field Judge is unable
to continue in the Safety Vehicle, and that inability is of a temporary
nature expected to take less than ten minutes to resolve, the Field Judge
shall instruct the Safety Vehicle driver to stop, and shall record the
time of stopping so that the time stopped may be subtracted from the elapsed
time for the team. When the Field Judge is able to continue, the time
of restarting the Challenge Vehicle also shall be recorded. If the Field
Judge cannot continue within ten minutes of stopping, a substitute field
judge shall be requested and subsequently air delivered; and the incapacitated
Field Judge shall be recovered by the same aircraft. The substitute Field
Judge shall note the time of stopping and record the time of re-starting
the Challenge. Permanent
If a Field Judge is unable
to continue in the Safety Vehicle, and that inability is
obviously permanent (such as for an injury), the Field Judge shall instruct
Safety Vehicle driver to stop, and shall record the time of stopping so
that the
time stopped may be subtracted from the elapsed time for the team. The
Judge then shall request from DARPA a substitute field judge to be air
delivered; and the incapacitated Field Judge shall be recovered by the
same aircraft. The substitute Field Judge shall note the time of stopping
and record the time of restarting the Challenge.
If the Field Judge is incapacitated
to the degree that he cannot communicate with DARPA, the Safety Crew shall
stop the vehicle and use the DARPA communications equipment to contact
DARPA for a substitute Field Judge. The Field Judge substitution procedure
described above shall be followed. The time of stopping in this case shall
be recorded by the Safety Crew and given to the substitute Field Judge.
The time of the emergency communication also will be recorded by DARPA
operations and is expected to agree with the time as recorded by the Safety
Crew. Continuing the Challenge with an incapacitated Field Judge will
result in disqualification.
12.19 Field Judge Loses
Sight of Challenge Vehicle
If the Field Judge loses sight
of the Challenge Vehicle, and sight of the Challenge Vehicle cannot be
immediately regained, the Field Judge shall order an E-Stop, and the Safety
Crew shall comply. Once the Challenge Vehicle is located, and the Field
Judge confirms that it is in sight, the Field Judge shall approve resuming
the Challenge. The time spent during that E-Stop shall not be subtracted
from that team’s elapsed time.
12.20 Maximum Finishing
A maximum finishing time shall
be specified for the Challenge. Any Challenge Vehicle that does not cross
the finish line within that time shall not be eligible for the Prize.
12.21 E-Stop
The Field Judge or a Safety
Team member may, without penalty, direct an E-stop for safety reasons
not related to the undesired behavior of the Challenge Vehicle. After
the safety issue is resolved, the Challenge Vehicle may continue with
the Challenge, and the time of the stop will be subtracted from the elapsed
time of the Challenge Vehicle.
If an E-stop is performed
because of a loss of visual contact or loss of wireless
link between the Challenge Vehicle and Safety Vehicle, the Challenge Vehicle
may resume the Challenge when the E-Stop link is re-established; and the
time of the stop will not be subtracted from the elapsed time for the
Challenge Vehicle.
If the E-stop is performed
to prevent undesired behavior (such as driving off a bridge) by the Challenge
Vehicle, the team shall be disqualified.
12.22 Compliance With
Field Judge's Instructions
Each team Safety Crew shall
comply with all instructions of the Field Judge that is accompanying them.
12.23 Autonomous Behavior
Autonomous behavior and operation
is required by a Challenge Vehicle whenever it is on the Challenge Route.
Except for E-Stop signaling, no team may cause a signal of any kind (e.g.
visual, RF, sonic) to be sent to a Challenge Vehicle, nor may any team
enter a Challenge Vehicle that can receive a signal of any kind except
those permitted by paragraph 8.7 while it is on the Challenge Route. The
Challenge Vehicle may conduct automatic signaling when it is not on the
Challenge Route (e.g. checkpoint area or behind the Departure line).
12.24 Challenge Vehicle
This paragraph does not apply
to the required E-Stop capability.
No telemetry from a Challenge
Vehicle is permitted without the approval of DARPA. Requests for approval
shall be submitted with the required Technical Paper. Telemetry that requires
sending any signal to the Challenge Vehicle will not be approved.
13. Penalties
13.1 Disqualification
A team that is disqualified
after that team has crossed the Departure Line for the first time shall
immediately stop its Challenge Vehicle and remove it from the Challenge
Route as quickly as possible, and shall not interfere with Participants
that are on the Route. A disqualified Challenge Vehicle may not continue
on the Challenge Route, but a Challenge Vehicle may remain in the Checkpoint
Area if it was there at the time of disqualification. No Safety Vehicle
or video vehicle of a disqualified Team may be on the Challenge Route.
14. Receiving the Prize
The winning Team Lead, in order
to receive the prize, shall be required to certify
to the U.S. Government that the Team complied with all Rules. Therefore,
it is
prudent for Team Leads to ask for clarifications of Rules, or whether
questionable action is permitted, well enough in advance of the Challenge
accommodate DARPA’s decisions and interpretations of the Rules.
DARPA will
keep questions that have been designated as team proprietary from the
other teams.
Last updated February
24, 2003
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