Overview of the back
bed area.
The back bed cover has
been removed. The generator and power box are visible. The computer
box was removed for servicing when this picture was taken.
Overview of the back
bed area.
View from the rear, with
the back bed cover in place but open. On the left is the grey power
box. The black box on the right contains the main computers and
some auxiliary equipment. Each box rests on shock mounts.
Behind the power box,
the auxiliary battery used to start the generator can be seen.
The back bed
is arranged so that opening the tailgate gives access to all necessary
controls and connections.
in the back bed is rated for temperatures of at least 60C.
The power box
The four power supplies
are in the lid, with large cooling fins projecting through the lid.
(The fins can be seen in the overview picture above.) The two long
power supplies at the ends each provide 24VDC at 20 amps each. The
center unit provides two circuits of 12VDC at 20 amps each. All
servomotors and controllers run on 24VDC, while most electronics
runs on 12VDC.
The power supplies are
Vicor modular blocks.
switches turn on the 120VAC supply for the computers, the 12VDC supply
for the electronics, and the 24VDC supply for the servos. Until the
24VDC supply is enabled, no actuator can move. Indicator lights and
circuit breakers are provided above each switch. The open hole to
the left of the switches will contain the generator start/stop switch.
The convenience outlet provides 120VAC from the generator. |
Computer box
The blue box on the right
is the top of a stack of Nova
8660 single-board industrial computer packaged and sold by
The computer box provides
space for a stack of three computers, but only two are installed.
The gold box to the left of the computers is the Crossbow
INS unit Above
the INS unit are two CtrLink
industrial Ethernet hubs. Between them, barely visible, is the small
interface box for the VORAD radar. Terminal blocks at the left distribute
120VAC and 12VDC.
panel on the front provides access to the vehicle's LAN and keyboard,
serial, monitor, and mouse access to one of the computers. In practice,
we tend to connect only to the Ethernet connection, which was plugged
into the shop network here. We can use a wireless LAN during field
testing, but the cable has more bandwidth. |
The Generac
generator and its associated inverter provide 3KW of 120VAC at 60HZ.
The generator's engine is fueled from the main fuel tank through
a fuel pump, and exhausts out the bottom of the back bed. The generator
actually generates 100VDC to 400 VDC, which is converted to a nominal
120VAC by the generator's inverter unit.
generator is oversized for the application, but smaller portable generators
use gravity feed for fuel and lack a fuel pump, which won't work in
a moving vehicle. |
Throttle actuator
A heavily modified cruise
control unit undeneath the back bed operates the throttle.
throttle actuator has a servomotor driving a leadscrew, which moves
an electromagnet which in turn pulls on the throttle cable. The computers
control the servomotor, but the electromagnet is controlled by the
emergency stop system. If the electromagnet power is cut off, the
engine drops to idle. |
Main engine
One cylinder, 30HP, driving
a continouously variable transmission.
The engine is located
under the seat, with the attached transmission extending under the
back bed.
This vehicle
is a bit underpowered. We like that; it's safer during testing.